Easily Integrate Ckeditor Webhooks with your application.


Steps to receive Ckeditor Webhooks

  • Sign up for your free Hooky account.
  • Create a new Webhook Source, and select Ckeditor. This will be the endpoint that receives webhooks on behalf of your application, and forwards them using the unified SDK.
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Once a webhook is received from Ckeditor, you'll see it under the Live Logs section of your webhook source.
  • Next, follow the examples below to integrate the Hooky SDK in ruby or javascript, and start receiving webhooks.
Save countless hours integrating Ckeditor webhooks into your application.

Integrating Ckeditor Webhooks Using Javascript

Integrating Ckeditor webhooks with Hooky in your Javascript based application is straight forward. Just grab the SDK, and call a function when that webhook is received.

Integrating Ckeditor Webhooks Using Ruby

Integrating Ckeditor webhooks with Hooky in your Ruby or Ruby on Rails application is straight forward. Just grab the SDK, and call a method when that webhook is received.

Configuring Ckeditor Webhook Authentication

Here's how it works

Supported Ckeditor Webhook Events


Triggered when a comment is created.


Triggered when a comment is updated.


Triggered when a comment is removed.


Triggered when a comment thread is removed.


Triggered when a comment thread is restored. A comment thread can be removed by removing the text in a document. The undo operation can restore the removed text but also restore the comment thread.


Triggered when all comment threads in a document are removed.


Triggered when a user joins a collaboration session.


Triggered when a user disconnects from an active collaboration session.


Triggered every 5 minutes or 5000 versions when the content of the collaboration session is being updated. The event will also be emitted when the last user disconnects from a collaboration session.


Triggered when a collaboration session for a document expires and the temporary data of the document is removed.


Triggered when a collaboration session for a document has expired and the temporary data of the document have been removed but some of the document operations could not be applied. The webhook is sent only when the document storage feature is disabled, and it will contain only correctly applied operations. Payload


Triggered when the document data is saved.


Triggered when a document data save has failed. It may happen when a different editor bundle or its configuration is used on your website and the CKEditor Cloud Services server under the same bundleVersion. Refer to the Editor bundle guide for more information.


Triggered when the document data is removed from the storage. The document can be removed using a REST API call (see the Documents REST API section) or when the document storage feature is being turned off. After you disable the feature in the CKEditor Ecosystem customer dashboard for SaaS or in the Management Panel for On-Premises, all stored documents are removed.


Triggered whenever a suggestion is added


Triggered whenever a suggestion is accepted.


Triggered whenever a suggestion is rejected.


Triggered whenever a suggestion is removed.


Triggered whenever a suggestion is restored. A suggestion can be removed by removing the text in a document. The undo operation can restore the removed text but also restore the suggestion.